Taking Care of Your Trees

Trees need a lot of care to thrive and provide the benefits they give us. Mulching and watering are a great start.

Avoid chemical fertilizer. It gives a temporary boost but harms the soil and long-term health of the plant.

Newly planted trees need to be watered weekly until established. Check the soil for moisture; it should be moist but not soggy.

1. Walk around the property

Taking care of trees is an ongoing effort, and you will need to walk around your property often in order to monitor the health and condition of your trees. You should also be careful walking near trees in wet weather, as a wet ground will reduce the traction you have and can make it easy to slip and fall. This can be particularly dangerous around young trees or those that have recently been planted, as these will be especially vulnerable to injury.

Newly planted trees need to be watered regularly to establish healthy roots and grow quickly. They should be watered daily during the first few weeks after planting, and then once a week for the rest of the year. However, if you live in a hot climate and experience extended periods of drought, the frequency of watering will need to be increased.

In addition to ensuring that the soil is well-watered, you should look for signs of pests and diseases on the branches and trunks of your trees. Check for discolored leaves, wilting branches, and fungus growth on the bark. If you notice any problems, take action as soon as possible. Spraying with a fungicide or calling in an arborist may be necessary.

Grass and weeds can compete with the roots of your trees for water and nutrients, so it is important to keep them clear. Mulching with bark or grass clippings, old piece of water-permeable carpet, or a mulch mat can help retain moisture and suppress weeds around the base of your tree. Mulching also prevents damage to the trunk by lawn-mower blades and eliminates the need for grass-cutting machinery near newly-planted trees.

You should also watch for signs of nutrient deficiencies, which can indicate that your soil is depleted. Adding fertilizer or mulch and amending the soil can help correct this.

2. Look at the leaves

While most trees can thrive outside their natural habitat, they aren’t immune to environmental stressors. Things like construction, pollution, drought, and pests are just a few things that can cause a lot of damage to your property’s trees. In order to prevent such issues, you can look for signs that your trees need some extra care or you can have Tree Care New Braunfels TX for assistance.

A good way to do this is by examining the leaves. When you walk around your yard, take the time to look at every leaf and branch on each tree. You might notice some odd coloring, wilting, or even a little bit of dead leaves. These are a few signs that your trees could use some additional care.

If you see brown or crispy leaves, they might be a sign that your tree is not getting enough water. This is known as leaf scorch and can happen when the summer heat causes a tree to be parched. Luckily, this is a fixable problem and it just requires an extra dose of water to help your trees stay hydrated.

It is also important to prune your trees on a regular basis. This helps with the aesthetically pleasing appeal of your landscape and also promotes growth. However, pruning should only be done by a qualified professional and only after the tree is at least 3 years old.

You should also keep an eye out for weeds. Weeds steal a lot of nutrients from your trees and can entangle their roots. In addition, weeds can choke your trees and can even lead to the death of certain branches and/or the whole tree.

One of the most important things to remember is that trees produce clean air for us to breathe. So, if they aren’t healthy, the quality of your backyard air will suffer as well. If you notice that your trees are prone to disease or have pests, then contact your local arborist for a checkup and treatment. ISA Certified Arborists can spot red flags like discolored leaves, cankers, and holes and provide a plan of action to make your trees healthier.

3. Check the soil

The soil is the bedrock of your trees, but it can be challenging for new or young ones to get all the nutrients they need. Checking your soil can help you make the right decisions for your trees.

When watering, it is important to saturate the ground to give the roots a deep soak. This will prevent surface roots from drowning and encourage the root system to grow into the full space available to it.

Weeding is a big concern, especially around newly planted trees. Keeping the area around a tree clear of grass and weeds for the first two years will help the roots to get the most out of their growing space and reduce competition for moisture. Mulch can be a great option to suppress weeds and keep the soil moist, but it must be removed and replaced regularly.

A good way to check your soil for moisture is to stick a trowel or other probe into the ground. If it is dry, then it is time to water. When you water, avoid splashing or soaking the trunk and leaves of the tree. This can damage or suffocate the roots. It is best to saturate the ground to a depth of 6 to 8 inches.

Watering in the fall is a great time to water because it will promote healthy growth and prevent winter damage. For the first two years after planting, new trees need 10 gallons of water a week. For mature trees, one inch of water a week is usually enough.

Fertilizing is generally a bad idea, but it can be necessary if your soil is poor. If you are going to fertilize, do it carefully and follow the instructions on the label.

It is also a good idea to use mulch on the base of your trees. Mulch insulates the roots, keeps the soil moist and helps to protect the bark of the tree from lawn mower cuts. It is best to keep the mulch a couple of inches away from the base of the trunk, but it can be beneficial in most situations.

4. Water

Trees need water to survive and thrive, especially during periods of extreme heat. Watering the soil helps trees cool off, exchange oxygen and carbon dioxide, and move nutrients up from the roots to the canopy. If the soil is dry, a tree can’t perform these vital functions, leading to stress and a diminished life span.

Newly planted and young trees require extra water to help them establish their root systems. They should receive 5 gallons of water 2-3 times per week, slowly watering the area around the base of the trunk to allow for a deep soak. It’s best to water in the evening or early morning, when evaporation is lower. A soaker hose can be a helpful tool for this, as it allows for control of the flow of water and is easy to set up and take down. Alternatively, you can use a 5-gallon bucket that has holes drilled in the bottom and place it at the base of a tree. Fill the bucket 4 times and let it drain in different spots along the drip line of the tree to slowly supply the needed water.

Watering mature trees is important, too, though less often than for newly planted and young trees. Water mature trees once a month, using a formula of 10-15 gallons per inch of trunk diameter at breast height.

When watering, check the soil to be sure it isn’t overwatered. A moist soil is good, but too much water can suffocate the roots and lead to disease. It’s also a good idea to keep grass and other plants at least 1 meter away from the base of the tree, to reduce competition for water and nutrients.

Mulch is another great way to help keep the soil from drying out so quickly, particularly for newly planted trees. It insulates roots, protects the trees from lawn mower cuts, and helps prevent dry soil from evaporating too quickly. We recommend removing any existing grass and spreading 2 to 4 inches of mulch around the base of the tree. This will also provide protection from the sun and wind, allowing the tree to get the most out of its water.

Trees need a lot of care to thrive and provide the benefits they give us. Mulching and watering are a great start. Avoid chemical fertilizer. It gives a temporary boost but harms the soil and long-term health of the plant. Newly planted trees need to be watered weekly until established. Check the soil for moisture;…